Ok, so, here is a bunch of stuff I drew over the past few months, just randomly, and from time to time, whenever random thoughts came to me.
1)THese are the result of idea's that come to me, and can't get out of my head, that I draw until what I had in mind is gone. SO, they may neither make much sense, or be entirely finished. THIS ALSO MEANS, they are pretty roughly drawn,so you may not beable to make out some of whats going on with my scribbly writing XD
2) If you HATE anything that I have put here... I don't care. They are here as I may never do anything more than what you see with them.
3) as I said above, I most likely will not persue these to a better form, or rewrtes to better the story, etc.
4) If you want to ask REAL questions about them, please Note me on DA, or comment here.
5) I will tell you briefly here what each one is about, so read them before you ask questions.
6) If you like it, enjoy the work.
First up... 'The Arrangement'. This was an idea I came up around when I was doing the SasuHina cheating comics. I had the idea if Hinata was really capable of having an affair, the only one she would do it with, would be Naruto, obviously, so, i came up with the idea, what if Hinata was forced in to an arranged marriage, while she was with Naruto, and they were having an affair.
So I drew the scene, but afterwards, I added a part where her 'husband' was in fact a perverted bastard, who used the Hyuuga maids as his sex toys, and was training Hinata too to be sexually obediant, and also knew of Naruto.
he of course cares nothing of Hinata beyond sex, her body, and the Hyuuga fortune.
As i drew it I had many idea's of additions, like why Naruto didn't stop the wedding; He tried. He and Hinata tried to run away, and they even had their first sexual encounter. but when found, Hinata agreed, to protect the clan.
There was the wedding night; She intends not to react, but discovers her new husbands sexual passion is perverse.
The start of the affair; A simple unable to be apart, meet up and make passionate love.
The training; Hinata's nightly trainiing by her husband is explored, and her mixed feelings of hatred and arousal. She also discovers him using the maids, and yuri/threesomes+ ensues.
Debauchery; after Naruto is brought in (after this comic) things get worse as the husband brings them further in to his sexual world.
but, in the end, I ran out of reason to draw more. I felt it was rushed anyway, and the initial idea had worn off finally, so I left it. No longer with the original inspiration driving me.

Next up... NaruHinaTen.
This began as just an extention of what i had originally drawn (a picture of Naruto and Tenten having sex) the accompanying storyline was about Naruto and TenTen who had both had to say goodbye to their loves, when Hinata and Neji had to leave town.
Heart broken, they saught solace with each other until it turned sexual.
This comic was just an isnpiration that followed it. Originally I was just gonna make one chapters worth, but... I got inspired for a cliffhanger, and... wrote myself in to a second chapter... and then a third, and a forth.
My love for Naruhina had me just having to have Hinata, so, I had it, that she had managed to convince Hiashi to let her return, and thus, adding to the drama, as well as starting off a series of complicated emotions between the triangle.
Despite i had idea's for a fifth chapter where Neji also returned. i decided to stop where i did, as the inspiration had run out at theat point.
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Ok, this idea first came up randomly after Asuma's death, when I was thinking up NHC plots, scenes, etc. and was at first a joke.
I even wrote a short fanfic of it, which I never finished.
The orignal idea had it that Shikamaru had been helping Kurenai out a lot since Asuma died, and was even now helping to raise her baby, by babysitting, shopping when she couldn't, etc.
And one night, the two had had a long day, and were relaxing. THey talked, and laughed etc, and when Shikamaru was leaving, they had an accidnet, and Shikamaru saw Kurenai smile, and realised he had done something unforgivable, he had fallen for her.
He tormented himself over it, feeling it was wrong, that she was Asuma's love, and he had no right to replace him.
One night, Kurenai confronted him about why he was acting so strange lately, and, after some talking, he told her. She was shocked, and they became estranged. until, they bump in to each other, and he helps her home with her shopping. after putting the child down they talk, and drink a little. before getting a bit drunk, and shikamaru unable to keep himself off of Kurenai, and Kurenai letting him, as they made there way to the bedroom, and thus, the scene you have below.
The reason i drew the end? It popped in to my head one day, and I couldn't get it out of my head, so...
The following TWO comics I am sure i will recieve hate mail for, so don't bother sending any... its a crack pairing.
next up... SasuNaruko.
I came up with this idea a LONG time ago, while working on another unrelased comic, called 'FALLING FOR HER' in it I had a Sasuke Naruko scene where Naruko thought Sasuke was gonna 'hurt' her.
Other inspirations were scenes where Naruto said he would do anything for a friend, etc. I had to ask the question, how far would he go?
In this case, as Naruko, she gets Sasuke to agree to go out with her best friend Sakura. While Sakura is overjoyed, she has no idea about Sasukes dark side, and the price of this 'date'.
Sasuke's hatred of Naruko's tomboyish attitude, and their rivallry, has had him want to embarrass her, and so makes her do lewd things in front of him, to prove she is a worthless slut, and that she shouldn't act so superior to him.
Of course it escalates, and Sasukes attitude nearly costs Naruko more than she bargained for.
I kinda lost interest towards the end, and had no idea how to end it, so i had something funny take place XD
And i really made Sasuke look bad in this XD
And finally, something most people don't see from me... YAOI. yes. and this... is SasuNaru.
Why? I have absolutely no idea.
I have nothing against yaoi, but i don't do a lot... well.. any, really, unless asked, which is not often XD and NO, before you ASK, I'm not a supporter of the shipping. But like most, I have nothing against it, I just prefer Naruhina :D
anyway, inspiration? err... I think I saw something online while poking through some Naruto series pictures online, and there was this SasuNaru doujin, like 10-15 pages long? I can't recall, but it wasn't too bad. What else inspired, i can't recall, but, I ended up having this idea of Sasuke forcing Naruto in to something, as a form of control... come to think of it... Team America (you know that puppet movie by the makers of south park) was an inspiration, due to that 'trust' scene where the main guy sucks off the leader as a sign of trust XD anyway, same thing, but, as I drew it, i made it more complicated, he had given Naruto a 'training drug' developed by Orochimaru, that created a physical memory of things that happened, so reactions would be quicker, but, used as a sex drug, it made the person react to the sexuality, etc. so, Sasuke ends up training Naruto. And also reveals some hidden history of Sasuke, who turns out is gay, and was raped by prisoners orochimaru told him to kill, as training, and when he failed... they had him.
If I ever did this properly, i might have gone in to it more, but well, I didn't. In the end, I turned this in to a mind break, and had no idea how to finish it, so it abruptly ends.
I have had idea's for endings.
Comical endings result in Naruto hitting Sasuke, and arguing as they head back to Konoha.
Upon arrival iat Konoha, Sakura greets them, happy to see sasuke, asking how naruto did it, and Sasuke smirking, at their secret.
others include, THey never return, and never seen again.
Returning to Konoha, but Naruto has been trained to respond to Sasuke, and they do things secretly.
Sasuke enjoying Naruto as he is put through other forms of training.
A darker one, THey don't return, and Naruto is made to serve Sasuke repeatedly, and unable to fight against it. His mind eventually snaps, and he kills sasuke.
Sasuke sends Naruto home, and Naruto has to fight the withdrawl, as his body craves Sasuke, due to the drug and training.
also, read >>>>>
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So yeah, that wass of them, AGAIN, if you don't like what you saw, keep it to yourself.
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